ego_sideways wrote in
Aug 16, 2011 09:29
Everybody knows that everything takes longer with a baby, but rather than creating delays with screaming or stinksplosions, mine seems to emit some sort of pheromone that attracts every old lady around to come and pinch his cheek and coo at him.
oh sweet mystery of life,
dogscanlookup wrote in
Jul 06, 2011 02:10
The cookbook selection at my library is roughly broken down as follows: 10 generic books, 5 clone books, 15 Eastern European books, 15 Mediterranian books 50 baking/pastry/chocolate books, 10 veggie books, 5 protein-specific books, 20 holiday/party books and 1,000,000,005 Asian cuisine books.
she blinded me with library science,
what is this fuckery?,
oh sweet mystery of life,
felixdiecat wrote in
Jun 05, 2011 09:47
I'm very disappointed in the fact that we don't have a "pics or it didn't happen" tag.
whine whine more tags whine,
needs moar tim curry,
oh sweet mystery of life,
hey look at me,
help me statements you're my only hope,
i can't unsee that,
let me show you it,
this is why we can't have nice things,
i love it when a plan comes together,
tag madness,
statebot must state